Selasa, 27 Januari 2015


Day 1: Favorite Tales of Game

Tales of the Abyss
main game ini sampe 5 kali krn pengen kumpulin costume, lengkapin resep dan masakan sampe bintang 3, kelarin event kecil dll dll
Suka banget dgn ceritanya gak sangka toko utamanya ternyata Piiiiip, big bossnya ternyata piiiiip dan cerita terakhirnya piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip *non spoiler hehehe

Day 2: Favorite Main male hero

Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia
Tentu dieee X///D~~

Yuri super COWO walopun CANTIK ahahhaa. paling Kagum adegan dia menjadi Pemenggal kepala Don. saat itu gak ada yg berani memenggal kepala Don, tp dia berani. KAGUM bangeet. Dia jg gak ragu2 membunuh kalo ada yg salah jalan. >///< tp dia jg gak mungkir kalo udah membunuh *0*

Day 3: Favorite main Female hero

bingung Milla Maxwell ato Sophie >0<;
Sophie maniis dan kuaaat. Milla Kuat dan cantik. Dua-duanya kereeen uuuuggh~~
krn harus milih salah satu....
pilihanku adalah Milla Maxwell! 
Cewe super kuat dan cantik, dari awal dia punya tugas utk melindungi dunia dan tugas itu dijalani walopun akhirnya dia bukan Maxwell. Adegan yg bikin aku kagum adalah walo dia udah cacat kakinya dia tetep mau melindungi temennya. *//0//* KEREEN

Day4: Favorite Site male character

Gendral Fring!! dr Tales of the Abyss
TOLONG DOOONK hiiiksss!!! ;;;0;;; jangan ingatkaaan hiiks ;;;_;;;
tp die SUMPEH kereen, Cerita dia baguuus~~  tp menyedihkan >_<

Day5: Favorite Site Female character

hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kayaknya gak ada

Day6: Favorite canon pairing

Yuri x Estelle <3 
mereka sweet banget 
Suka adegan Estelle di selamatkan dan Yuri bilang "Okaeri" Estelle bilang "Tadaima" 
sama Yuri pas luka di peluk ama Estelle X///D

Day7: Favorite canon pairing

YAOI ALERT!! wwkwkwkwk
Asch x Luke !! X////D

Mereka berantem melulu tp saling khawatir satu sama lain gyaaaaa >////<
Adegan paling ku suka adalah Asch yg rela "mati" demi Luke huahahaha XDD

Day 8: Favorite Opening Song

KARMA song by Bump of Chicken

Day 9: Favorite Location

Tales of Grace F 
Lhant hill yg banyak bunga X3 damaii~~<3
Pengen tiduran seperti Sophie kayak ini <3

Day 10: Favorite Mascot

REPEDE!!! Wan ko~~~~ <3 <3
Kecilnya BUNTEEL~~ CUTE~~ <3<3

Gedenya KEREEN~~ <3

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

My cosplay Milla Maxwell

my photo Milla cosplay 

Milla Maxwell from Tales of Xillia

Tales of Xillia is game developed by Namco Tales studio, Milla maxwell is one of two main character in Tales of Xillia. Milla is the "lord of spirits" who can control the four great spirit: Efreet, Undine, Sylph and Gnome. I really Love this character. She is so strong, beautiful, sexy, elegant,and  powerful. Is really rare I love female character.

The costume, wig, sword, and accessory make by my self. 

When I want to cosplay Milla, I can't sleep because I not confidence to be like her >///<. Thanks God I can cosplay like Milla in Event Clas'h 2013 at Balai Kartini.

my other photo of Milla Maxwell Cosplay

Thank you for the Kameko: Tian He, Raven, Kamego, and Sony Hadijaya. Really a great photo~<3
I wish can cosplay with my Partner Minato Whitey as Jude Martis together. I waiting for you~~~ Whitey~~~ >o<~

about me

I'm Akihi from Jakarta, Indonesia

I'm a Cosplayer. My first cosplay is Shinsengumi as Harada Sousuke at 1998. That time I don't really know what is cosplay. But seem I see Pinky Lu Xun, I want to be like her. I really admired her.Her cosplay so beautiful. Seen that time me and my friend become a cosplayer.

At 2008 I learn styling wig at salon Jony Andrean. First time I cut the wig is so difficult. 1 year to learn about cutting, styling, curling, ect. At 2010 I make album styling wig for cosplay. That my first step business.

At 2011 I learn make clothes to make my costume. It's really fun~. Now I can make costume by myself and become a hobby. My costume not perfect but I really happy and proud, I can make it by myself

My Favorite cosplay is: Milla Maxwell from Tales of Xillia, Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia, Estelle from Tales of Vesperia, Luke fone Fabre from Tales of the Abyss. hmm? All from game Tales of?  YES~! I really Love game Tales of ~ and I want to cosplay it lol

I wish I can cosplay until the end of my live with my husband and child